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list of fruits for health benefits

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  1. Berry
  2. Apple
  3. Apricot
  4. Avocado
  5. Banana
  6. Blackberries
  7. Black currants
  8. Blueberries
  9. Cantaloupe
  10. Cherimoya
  11. fruit Cherry
  12. Chokeberry
  13. Cranberries
  14. Dates
  15. Durian fruit
  16. fruitFigs
  17. Gooseberries
  18. Grapes
  19. Grapefruit
  20. Guava
  21. Jackfruit
  22. Kiwi fruit
  23. fruit Kumquat
  24. Lemon
  25. Loquat fruit
  26. Lychee
  27. Mango fruit
  28. Mangosteen
  29. Mulberries
  30. Orange
  31. Papaya
  32. Passion fruit
  33. Peaches
  34. Pears
  35. Persimmon fruit
  36. Pineapple
  37. Plums
  38. Pomegranate
  39. Quince fruit
  40. Raspberry
  41. Sapodilla
  42. Star fruit
  43. Strawberry
  44. Watermelon
list of fruits for health benefits
